Thursday, January 20, 2005

Batteries not included

O baffling brain. Why are you so elusive? About 3 pounds. grapefruit sized. What, 10 billion neurons, to the power of say, 100 synapses? In terms of chance 10 billion to the 100th power is said to be bigger than the number of atoms in the universe. As mysterious a frontier as outer space. So hard to study. No moving parts. The CAT scan of a dead person could be normal. You can’t biopsy a few post synaptic transporter proteins.
Oh no. Not another paid spokes model blowing smoke with the newly discovered link between neurotransmitter X and behavior Z. In fact, the every diagnosis in the red bible is as much metaphor as the Oedipal complex. In 2105, this period will be thought of as the dark ages. --James


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