Sunday, April 17, 2005

I didn’t hit the Powerball

Legend has it two unemployed but well-born progeny were overheard lamenting in some upscale bistro around Charlottesville, ”the 3rd generation trust fund money just doesn’t go as far as it used to.”
What would it be like to have means without a care? I admit I have lusted in my heart for some of the vehicles driven around Knoxville or parked in certain lots at any hospital. Gleaming, chromed, and waxed. I try to deny the feeling of derision I feel for someone I do not even know as I imagine the driver is an investment banker, plaintiffs’ attorney, drug wholesaler, or trophy wife. In residency we read a paper entitled, “Envy, The Most Painful Affect.”
Tennessee has a Lottery. Assuming the virtually impossible did happen would I be happy? I have heard of a lot of lottery winners are miserable (though I never met one). Would I still work in the field I enjoy? That would all have to end. Would I still take pictures and spend hours on editing and post-production? I bet I’d be paranoid that I would attract the wrong kind of attention. And full of bad luck. Or get brain mush. All that I hold dear would be demoted by the new surreality. There is joy in simple pleasures earned with one’s own effort. Peg says that is just sour grapes. I say little victories hard won are their own reward. I am glad I didn’t hit the Powerball... I guess I could give most of it away...after I got the new ride. --James


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