The Porcelain Nurses

The in-patient service at Plateau Mental Health Center is no more. It was an out-post that covered 13 rural counties of Tennessee half-way between Nashville and Knoxville, and north to the Kentucky border. This was an underserved region according to the National Health Service Corps. The nurses were used to having limited weekend medical coverage. Often the highest trained staff person for long weekends was a licensed practical nurse. There was no timely lab testing, no EKG machine, nor security muscle yet these hardy angels of compassion could manage the psychotically agitated patient, the alcoholic in near DT’s, and comfort those in despair.
This T-shirt was designed in their honor. Due to a joke played on them one weekend they (good naturedly) referred to themselves thereafter as “Porcelain Nurses”. Y’all were the best. Thanks. -James
This T-shirt was designed in their honor. Due to a joke played on them one weekend they (good naturedly) referred to themselves thereafter as “Porcelain Nurses”. Y’all were the best. Thanks. -James
Labels: nursing. mental health, rural
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