Saturday, June 04, 2005

Am I shouting?

Hasn’t everyone put on head phones while listening to music and been tempted to sing? Then someone would rush over and shush them because it’s loud and off key?

There are some people who do not know how to whisper. In a restaurant I may get the “shush sign” from Peg if I make people-watching comments. If you are going to gossip in public then you better be a good whisperer.

I definitely should not talk on the cell phone in public. I end up shouting. Maybe this is another reason I can't sing -I can't hear myself. Then there was the proverbial loud music. I was warned.

Ear proctection was optional in 1975. I was the General Manager of the Norwood Paper Company. (the only and therefore the highest ranking employee.) I picked up old papers, fed the equivalent of 10 Sunday papers per minute in the shredder which sounded like an industrial strength chipper-shredder (i.e. loud). I'm lucky to have saved my 10 fingers from the 4 steel blades whirring inches away and the old hay baler... What'd you say?

It is quite irritating to hear 2 people having a not-so-private conversation during a lecture or movie. That is grounds for mental assault and battery. Tommy, can you hear me? -- James


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