Sound Mind
What sounds are so pure…
That can hush our inner thoughts
and purge the dissonance from our mind?
Chirping crickets… A thousand summer voices
vibrating in so many cycles per second.
Eyes closed …mind listening.
Suppressing alpha waves…
the bane of primary process thought.
The Little River begins as mountain stream on the slopes of Clingman’s Dome. It roars through Elkmont Campground with both sound and feel. Like nature’s polyphonic orchestra, all instruments playing at once.…Spent, its fate is the Gulf.
Tide coming in…Ocean respirations in slow motion… monotonous waves wash away bipedal tensions like Gregorian chant… water upon sand breaking primordial sound barriers…little room for worry.
That can hush our inner thoughts
and purge the dissonance from our mind?
Chirping crickets… A thousand summer voices
vibrating in so many cycles per second.
Eyes closed …mind listening.
Suppressing alpha waves…
the bane of primary process thought.
The Little River begins as mountain stream on the slopes of Clingman’s Dome. It roars through Elkmont Campground with both sound and feel. Like nature’s polyphonic orchestra, all instruments playing at once.…Spent, its fate is the Gulf.
Tide coming in…Ocean respirations in slow motion… monotonous waves wash away bipedal tensions like Gregorian chant… water upon sand breaking primordial sound barriers…little room for worry.
Beautiful lyrics. I have spent many days and nights in the mountains near such rivers and streams. How long they have shared their journey with its sounds and feelings. Good stuff.
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