Saturday, June 18, 2005

Get high naturally

The Tiger Woods arm pump is a behavioral expression of the brain’s pleasure center. The High-Five after the winning touch down is another example. A blast of Dopamine from the Nucleus Accumbens is what we crave. I get a thrill just pronouncing the words. Well, a little. Cigarettes can hijack this system. Endorphins are amazing little poly-peptides that turn on the pleasure center like a shot of morphine. You’ve heard of the runner’s high.

Humor is infectious. It also is good for you in many ways according to studies. Endorphins are released. The immune system is boosted. Optimists must have the edge here. With the occasional eruptions of glee our treatment team meetings are like therapy for the staff. Like an old fashioned Camp Meeting there is spontaneity and emotion, rising and falling, somber to fanciful, depending on the moment-to-moment topic.

The Humor Clubs in India are said to be a sight to behold. Not the terrifying stand-up form of comedy in which only a few professionals excel, but more like mirth-calisthenics. Cackling in unison at different pitches…imitating a horse’s whinny or a monkey’s chattering. But, why? It just feels good... and many of us have a secret wish to be funny and entertaining, in effect, to give pleasure. If it increases a few endorphin or dopamine molecules... then so be it. Let’s all laugh out loud. --James


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