World Wide Web, 1962

“C-Q..C-Q..C-Q…This is K4..GMA... George, May-ry, Able. Come in.” With those beckoning words I heard my Grandfather coax the dial on his ham radio. Vacuum tubes glowed like static fireflies. He was “Instant Messaging” to others around the world who would respond with their screen name. His "Buddy List" included friends in Asia, Great Britain, and Colorado. The immediacy was captivating. Sounds like the World Wide Web, 1962 style.
To a 10 year old he was the smartest guy in the world. A man of many interests, my grandfather had little formal education. He ran away at 14 and joined the Navy by lying about his age and making up a name. He lived a full life in 60 years. Much of what I know about him has been gleaned second-hand from family members. But I was there...with George-Mary-Able.--James
That was very interesting.
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